How long can I keep a book?


Loan periods and borrowing privileges vary according to the user's status and the lending library's policies.

  • All materials are checked out by presenting the appropriate ID card.
  • Checking out materials from the library implies that the user will abide by the library's rules by returning the materials in good order and by the due dates.
  • Failure to meet either condition may result in fines and/or the loss of privileges.
  • MOBIUS materials can be renewed two times depending on availability. University of Missouri Libraries materials follow the policies of the lending institution.
  • Any University of Missouri Libraries or MOBIUS item may be recalled at any time by the lending institution.
Status UMSL Book UM System Libraries MOBIUS  Course Reserves Interlibrary Loan
Faculty 120 Days Varies 28 Days Varies Varies
Staff 120 Days Varies 28 Days Varies Varies
Graduate Student 120 Days Varies 28 Days Varies Varies
Undergraduate Student 21 Days Varies 28 Days Varies Varies
Guest, Alumni, & Mercantile Patron 21 Days Varies 28 Days Varies Varies
  • Last Updated May 09, 2022
  • Views 145
  • Answered By Jaleh Fazelian

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