Can alumni check out library materials?


Alumni members of the University of Missouri - St. Louis Alumni Association may sign up with the Library free of charge. Bring your government-issued photo ID and Alumni Association membership number to the front desk and they'll create a library account for you.  Privileges expire one year from the date of issue at which time alumni must sign up again.

Alumni are limited to checking out books and government documents from the general collection of the University of Missouri - St. Louis Libraries (not including the depository). They may have a maximum of four books checked out at any given time. Interlibrary loan services and University of Missouri Libraries/MOBIUS (including the depository) are not included in alumni card privileges. Other restrictions may apply.

Alumni can also access unrestricted in-house electronic databases using a public access terminal or the wireless network.  Printing is not provided - please save materials to a USB drive, laptop, email, cloud account, etc.

  • Last Updated May 17, 2023
  • Views 419
  • Answered By Jaleh Fazelian

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