Is printing available for students in the library?


Beginning August 24th,  students will be provided  $15.00 worth of printing funds available to be used on any of our TritonPrint printers.  This amounts to 500 B&W copies at $.03 each, 150 Color copies at $.10 each, or a combination thereof.

All jobs go through PrintHub, and must be released at the printer by swiping the TritonCard or entering a SSO ID/password on the printer's touchscreen.

In the event more printing is needed, students may do so easily and securely add funds to their account by using TritonPrint.  This portal allows users to manage their account and view/track their usage from any computer.

Many of the larger Computer Labs will be staffed with student and full-time staff to assist with printing questions or alternative printing tools.

  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2022
  • Views 132
  • Answered By Pat Tansey

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