Ebook copy, print & download limits
EBSCO: Depending on publisher-specified limits, up to 100 pages of an EBSCO eBook can be printed, saved or emailed as a PDF file (per user) from within the eBook viewer to be printed at a later time. Note: Downloads are not permitted for single user titles (if we were to allow this it would block other users from using the item for 21 days).
ProQuest: For each book, there is a limit on the number of pages that can be copied, printed, and page/chapter-downloaded per user, per day. For a user signed in to an Ebook Central account. See the link below for the default limits within Ebook Central.
Oxford: Varies by product (Reference, Ebook, etc.). Please see the Help link within the database for more information.
Most JSTOR, Wiley, and IGI Global resources can be fully downloaded.
Contact us if you have trouble or questions. User limits apply to some titles (e.g. use is limited to 1 or 3 users at a time, depending on the license) - these are usually noted on the book record.
** Please note that copies are for personal, academic use only. Copyright still applies unless stated otherwise. **