What type of items can I request through Interlibrary Loan?


  • Books: Almost any book not available through University of Missouri Libraries or MOBIUS can be requested. It is difficult to obtain newly published books and certain other items. Lending periods for books tend to run from 2 to 4 weeks. As a matter of policy, we do not order textbooks that have been assigned during the current semester.
  • Articles: We will process requests for articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers. Articles longer than 30 pages or in a foreign language are more difficult to obtain and may take additional time. We usually cannot obtain the original journal/magazine, only copies.
  • Book Chapters: We can request copies of chapters, but it is up to the lending library to decide whether they will supply a copy of the requested chapter or the book itself. Copies are subject to the same limits on length as noted above.
  • Dissertations & Theses: A dissertation or thesis is a formal paper prepared as part of a masters or doctoral program. Typically, only the library at the school that granted the degree retains a copy. Some libraries will not lend theses. Theses are sometimes supplied on microfilm. If we are unable to borrow a copy of a thesis, we will try to purchase a copy for you (at your expense, with your prior approval).
  • Audiovisual and computer CD or software: Few libraries will lend these items. We will try our best to obtain them for you. We will require a "need by" date for items to be used in a classroom setting.
  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2025
  • Views 78
  • Answered By Andrew Stout

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